The 3 of us xx

The 3 of us xx

Saturday 8 February 2014

The story of us............


Welcome to my blog, I don't have a lot of experience with these so please be patient with spelling and vocabulary errors.  I've decided to start writing this blog as a way to vent I guess and express views, opinions and worries, as well as share our experiences and adventures.

I am now 30 years old living in the West of Ireland with my two kids. Ages are 8 and 6,  my two angels and best friends!

How I got to be a single mom of two at the age of 30, well that's another story by itself, so for now I'll just stick to a little b it about me.

I was born and raised by amazing people that I am honoured to call my parents. I really don't know where I'd be without them, they both one just as much as the other are my rock. There isn't a day that goes by that they don't share their generosity,  kindness,  and knowledge with me and my children.

And after years of living away from home,  failed marriage,  broken heart and several jobs,  I find myself living back in my hometown under the same roof as my parents,  while I try to work multiple jobs around my kids and provide for today and our future.  And as tough as all that sounds,  I wouldn't change it for the world, I wouldn't change the past, the mistakes or bad times,  I firmly believe we are meant to use mistakes and our past events as stepping stones into the future. Our past defines who we become in the future in one way or another and I'd like to believe it's made me a stronger,  braver and wiser woman today.

I've made so many new friends since I moved home,  people I know I'll be friends with forever,  that I can I pick up the phone or call into  and we have such a laugh and great conversations. 

My plan for 2014,  well to continue being happy, making my kids feel loved, happy, and secure. I want them to have as much fun as possible,  to follow there dreams and seek out their own adventures. Teach them to be kind to people.  it's nice to be nice!! 

And somewhere in the middle of all that, I will continue to be a mom,work my 3 jobs and try to complete our home so we will be in by Christmas "14. WISH ME LUCK :-)
Welcome to our crazy busy world

:-) x 

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